Aids for disabled and elderly people

aids for disabled people - COMFORT ONLINE S.R.L.
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“Comfort online Srl " is a company working in Italy and abroad in the distribution of qualitatively high products and aids for disabled people used to improve the autonomy and the daily life of disabled and elderly people.
Through its web site it offers its own customers and suppliers a wide range of services.

The categories of products included in the “Comfort online srl" electronic catalogue are:

Particularly, our company offers a diversified service of electronic commerce among companies, depending on the reference reserved area of the various clubs belonging to, moreover it offers a series of complete information on the characteristics and qualities of the products listed in the catalogue (they can be consulted also in the web site free area) and other services (that is news, newsletters, FAQs ...).

COMFORT ONLINE S.R.L.- One Person Company
Registered Office: Via Castellana n. 250/2 30030 Ve -Trivignano (Venezia) ITALY
Tel. +39 041 5461105 Fax +39 041 5462098

F.C. e VAT IT 03525180273
Chamber of Commerce Registration Number 03525180273
Company Registration Office Number (REA) 315440

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