Posture Seats

Posture Seats
  1. 1
    Postural 8 cushion-medium size
    Postural 8 cushion-medium size in an elastic and mouldable cushion used for arms support and for manipulation. Thanks to own material properties, this cushion always becomes in the original shape. Ideal for decubit ulcers prevention this cushion allows to
  2. 2
    Postural 88 cushion-large size
    Postural 88 cushion-large size in an elastic and mouldable cushion used for arms and legs support and for manipulation. Thanks to own material properties, this cushion always becomes in the original shape. Ideal for decubit ulcers prevention this cushion
  3. 3
    Postural 100 cushion-spherical shape
    Postural 100 cushion-spherical shape in an elastic and mouldable cushion used for hands support, for abduction and for manipulation. Thanks to own material properties, this cushion always becomes in the original shape. Ideal for decubit ulcers prevention
  4. 4
    Postural 110 cushion-medium size
    Postural 110 cushion-medium size in an elastic and mouldable cushion used for head, lumbar and legs support and for manipulation. Thanks to own material properties, this cushion always becomes in the original shape. Ideal for decubit ulcers prevention thi
  5. 5
    Postural 120 cushion-large size
    Postural 120 cushion-large size in an elastic and mouldable cushion used for head, lumbar and legs support and for manipulation. Thanks to own material properties, this cushion always becomes in the original shape. Ideal for decubit ulcers prevention this
  6. 6
    Postural Kit-5 cushions in different sizes
    Postural Kit composed by 5 pcs. of elastic and mouldable cushions available in different sizes, these cushions assure a good body support and can be used for manipulation because, thanks to own material properties they always become in the original shape.