How do I find the product I need on comfortonline.it ?
It's very easy. From our Home page you have directly access to the department you need. You will also find a few departments which have sub-departments, to make the search easier to the customer. The departments contain the short descriptions of our items: in order to have a full description, you can click on the "READ ALL" button located on the right of the image and under the short description.Using the CART button is also possible to enter the area with more informations about the payment methods.
What can I do to purchase an item?
From the home page you have access to the department or the eventual sub-department in which you'll find the product. There are 2 ways to purchase a product, from the page with the short description, by clicking on ADD TO CART, or from the page with the full description, by clicking the same button. In both ways you'll add the product to your virtual cart (ATTENTION: this action DOESN'T mean you have purchased yet!). From here you will be able to go on adding items to your cart, or you will be able to end your purchase and continue on your purchase, by clicking the button ORDER. At this point you'll have to chose among the shipping methods and the payment methods.
What do I have to do to check my “Cart”?
By clicking the button CART, on the upper right menu, you'll be able to check what you have in your cart at the moment.
How can I pay for my purchase?
The payment can be done with the most common credit cards, which are Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, you can pay with BankPass, or with PayPal.
Can I return a product if I am not satisfied with it?
Yes it is possible. See the return policy to have more informations about it.
I have the product but it's damaged. What can I do?
It can happen that the product gets damaged during the shipping phase. Comfort Online s.r.l. always advice to accept the items by putting on the shipping document "Item with damaged package". The customer will have to contact within 8 days, the customer service, which will take care of the damaged package and will allow the return of the item. If the customer will contact the customer service AFTER 8 days, it will be up to Comfort Online s.r.l. either to chose to allow the return of the item or not.
Is there a number or an email address which I can contact to ask for further informations?
Yes, for every kind of information, you may:
Call the customer service Comfort Online (+39) 041 5461105 (monday-friday, 08.15 am - 12.45 pm / 2.45 pm – 5.45 pm)
Send an e-mail to
Send a fax to the number 041 5462098