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Comfortable tilting shower-wheelchair "Kakadu TILT"

Comfortable tilting shower-wheelchair "Kakadu TILT"

The comfortable tilting shower-wheelchair "Kakadu TILT" has a tilting angle adjustable from -5° to +25°. It's supplied with special head-rest with ears cavities, witch height, depth and tilting angle are adjustable. The arm rests are tilting also. The

Price :
€615.00 + Iva

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The comfortable tilting shower-wheelchair "Kakadu TILT" has a tilting angle adjustable from -5° to +25°. It's supplied with special head-rest with ears cavities, witch height, depth and tilting angle are adjustable.

The arm rests are tilting also. The leg-rests are tilting, removable and height-adjustable, and the foot rests have an adjustable tilting angle.

The seat is provided with a central hole for the WC bucket positioned under the seat itself.

The WC bucket is removable and it comes with a cover lid. The seat padding, the armrests padding and the back padding are made by smooth black PUR.

The wheelchair comes with four 5" wheels with brakes, but two 24" wheels are available as accessory.

Seat width 46 cm
Seat depth 43 cm
Seat height Adjustable 54 – 59 cm
Max height -
Total width (with armrests) 56 cm
Total height Adjustable 103 – 108 cm
Max user weight 130 kg
Weight 15, 60 kg
Tilting angle Da -5° a +25°