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Shower mattress

Shower mattress

It allows bed-ridden, elderly or disabled patients to be washed and cared for in their personal hygiene with running water directly on their bed, without any need for transfer/lift.

Price :
€450.00 + Iva

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It allows bed-ridden, elderly or disabled patients to be washed and cared for in their personal hygiene with running water directly on their bed, without any need for transfer/lift.

Inside the "Shower Mattress", the patient can be showered with water coming from the tap via an extension hose, or alternatively, using the special pressurized water tank provided with flexible hose and shower head. Once finished, the water is drained into a suitable container.

Complete with plug and flexible hose for quick water drain.

Dimensions: 80 x 180 x 20h cm
  1. 1
    Shower extension hose
    Price :
    €150.00 + Iva
    Leggi tutto
  2. 2
    Price :
    €65.00 + Iva
    Leggi tutto
  3. 3
    Water Tank
    Price :
    €190.00 + Iva
    Leggi tutto