Unique concept: multi-adaptation
An important advantage of the Aerolet toilet lift is the adaptability to the user.
The Aerolet toilet lift is adjustable to leg length and the level of trunk-stability.
Optimum movement
Based on the natural motion of standing, the Aerolet toilet lift offers ideal support
by moving the trunk forward and locating the centre of gravity above the feet as
the knee and hip joint stretch synchronously.
Advantages :
- Optimum support for the natural standing up motion
- The user maintains constant contact with the floor allowing a stable seat position
- The normal seat position stimulates defecation
- Easy to use electronic controls
- The arm supports (possible fold-away and withgoing) are height adjustable
- The Aerolet can be used in combination with electronic bidets (like the BB1000, Geberit and Closomat)
- Fast and easy installation
Greater safety in assisting patients decreasing risk for caregivers and family members
Vertical lift
The Aerolet is also available in an vertical version. This type of Aerolet toilet lift will be applied for a vertical 'stand-up' motion. The toilet lift is ideal for users with none or very limited flexion in hips and/or knees, what possible restrictions in moving the torso forward might have caused.
The vertical toilet lift offers the perfect support to achieve the right natural 'stand-up' motion. The very quiet toilet lift is ideal for people who have arthritis, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, post polio, muscle loss in their legs, hemoplegia, stroke and other disabling conditions.
The toilet lift is standard equipped with fold-away arm supports. During the sitting down and stand-up motion these arm supports move along with the user and give constant support. No leg muscle is required.
The toilet seat rise depends on the bowl height. When the bowl is 40 cm high, the maximum rise is 85 cm and when the bowl is 50 cm high, the maximum rise is 95 cm.