Club Green

aids for disabled people - COMFORT ONLINE S.R.L.
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Club Green
Club Green

“Comfort online Srl” has created a club for those enterprises producing goods and services too: “Club Green”. The members joined the “Club Green” are selected enterprises, mostly manufacturers which, by taking out a subscription, can gain from a series of high added value benefits and advantages. The main utility for enterprises joining the “Club Green” is the possibility of widening their own business horizons to strengthen their own activities, in Italy and abroad, since they can directly enter in touch with so many new both small and medium enterprises, working in the field of retail distribution of aids for disabled and elderly people, while doing so before was difficult or too expensive. “Comfort online Srl” goal is to create, through the activity “Club Green” carries on, a real connecting bridge between the manufacturer and the final distributor of the products for final users directly comparing the different needs of production and market, at the same time the manufacturing companies can gain from a great variety of services, widen their own business horizons and implement their own activities both in Italy and in the intra and extra EU countries.

The members of “Comfort online Srl” Club Green can:

  • Be assisted during business negotiations

  • Exploit the on line management software we use, linked to our web site, in such a way promoting their products and services on the web

  • Be entitled to buy directly from the suppliers joined the Club Green (see Club Green) a large amount of goods at particularly favourably list prices

  • Manage directly the invoicing relationships with the customers joined “Comfort online” Club Silver and Club Gold, to create and increase their own customers portfolio

  • Order us information, promotion and on line assistance services of their own products and services

  • Order us information, promotion and on line assistance services of their on-site products and services, directly at their customers’, through our specialized consultants

  • Entrust us with business initiatives over particular geographic areas, establishing a specific intermediation relationship with Comfort Online Srl

  • Entrust us with the organization and execution of particular events such as participation in fairs, conferences, workshops, etc... (to order)

  • Entrust us with translation services (to order)



COMFORT ONLINE S.R.L.- One Person Company
Registered Office: Via Castellana n. 250/2 30030 Ve -Trivignano (Venezia) ITALY
Tel. +39 041 5461105 Fax +39 041 5462098

F.C. e VAT IT 03525180273
Chamber of Commerce Registration Number 03525180273
Company Registration Office Number (REA) 315440

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