Postural Kit-5 cushions in different sizes
Code 44000

Category - Subcategory: POSTURE (SEATS)-Body supports
Brand - Line: SOGNIGLEX S.N.C.-DRY

Kit postural's 5 cushions are internally provided with synthetic micrograins of 1 mm diameter which have inert gas inside. Micrograins allow an optimal weight distribution on surface area with less pressure on body critical positions. Quantity of internal micrograins can differ depending on different cushion's shape (weight from 300 to 1000 gr). External cushions cover is a very elastic and mouldable microfibre tissue

Price: 308,00€
(VAT excl.)
Green Club
Made in Italy
- Dry Line -

Item no. 44008
"Postural 8" cushion-medium size

Item no. 44088
"Postural 88" cushion

Item no. 44100
"Postural 100" cushion

Item no. 44110
"Postural 110" cushion

Item no. 44120
"Postural 120" cushion

Item no. 44000
Kit with nylon cover

Item no. 44000
5 cushions which compose kit
